The Center for Survey Research (CSR) of Academia Sinica in Taiwan will hold an international conference on survey research methodology on 8 August and the morning of 9 August 2019. In addition, CSR will offer a four-hour workshop on Total Survey Error as a framework for high quality survey design on the afternoon of August 7. A second four-hour workshop on weighting for various types of survey data, such as panels, dual frames etc., takes place on the afternoon of August 9.
Abstract Submission Opens: 1 January 2019 Abstract Submission Deadline: 5 March 2019 Acceptance Notification: 31 March 2019 Registration Opens:
We welcome papers that focus on survey research methodology, including but not restricted to:
Presenters and non-presenters are welcome to the conference and workshops. The registration rates are as follows.
Conference Only: NTD $2,000
One Workshop Only: NTD $2,000
Conference and One Workshop: NTD $3,000
Two Workshops: NTD $3,000
Conference and Two Workshops: NTD $5,000
Students receive a 50% discount of the above rates.
The Conference Banquet (night of 8 August) can be booked at an additional charge of NTD$800.
Questions about the conference should be directed to the conference staff at
Conference website: