
「2021 調查研究方法與應用」學術研討會:

9 月 2-3 日


近年來,隨著社會結構轉變、網路與行動裝置的普及,傳統以問卷蒐集資料的方式面臨許多挑戰,也有很多新興的資料蒐集方法應運而生。本次研討會以「調查方法的挑戰與新興議題」為主題,特別邀請相關領域的重量級學者Frauke Kreuter (University of Maryland / University of Munich),以視訊連線方式進行專題演講,講題將聚焦於資料蒐集方法的近期發展與未來趨勢。Frauke Kreuter 去年剛獲得American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) 的重要獎項 -- Warren J. Mitofsky Innovators Award,其專題演講精彩可期。

另由於新冠疫情的蔓延,對很多國家的面訪調查計畫帶來挑戰。為瞭解如何因應疫情調整調查方式,本次研討會特別規劃一場論壇,目前已邀請到 Yashwant Deshmukh (WAPOR Asia President / CEO of CVoter Foundation)、Jill Sheppard (Australian National University)、王衛東 (中國人民大學) 、黃紀(國立政治大學)等學者專家參與。藉由相關經驗的分享與討論,對身處變局中的台灣相關領域研究者,相信會帶來很大的啟發。


Combining Data from Multiple Sources:
Examples from Economic and Public Health Research Studies


Professor of Statistics and Data Science for the Social Sciences and Humanities at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (Germany) and professor at the Joint Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland. Frauke Kreuter co-founded and co-directs the Data Science Centers at the University of Maryland (USA) and Mannheim (Germany). She is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association and the International Statistical Institute. Last year she received the 2020 Warren Mitofsky Innovators Award of the American Association for Public Opinion Research. In addition to her academic work, Prof. Kreuter is the founder of the International Program for Survey and Data Science, developed in response to the increasing demand from researchers and practitioners for the appropriate methods and right tools to face a changing data environment; Co-Founder of the Coleridge Initiative, whose goal is to accelerate data-driven research and policy around human beings and their interactions for program management, policy development, and scholarly purposes by enabling efficient, effective, and secure access to sensitive data about society and the economy; and Co-Founder of the German language podcast Dig Deep.

Frauke Kreuter



Yashwant Deshmukh Jill Sheppard 王衛東 黃紀
WAPOR ASIA President
Lecturer, School of Politics and International Relations, College of Arts and Social Science, Australian National University


  • *徵稿期間   3/15~6/15

  • *通知投稿結果 6/21

  • *報名期間   7/16~8/22

  • *繳交全文截止 8/16

  • *報名結果通知 8/25

  • *研討會日期  9/2~9/3


採 Webex 線上會議方式進行(需事先報名)


