【專題演講】Protection Against Lifecycle Vulnerabilities: The Role of Social Safety Nets in Taiwan and Southeast China(12/24)

講題:Protection Against Lifecycle Vulnerabilities: The Role of Social Safety Nets in Taiwan and Southeast China
時間:2024 / 12 / 24 (二) 下午2:00
會議號:2516 855 8861
Life can be challenged by various forms of risks that can lead to economic vulnerability. These risks, whether expected or unexpected, may arise from events such as childbirth, divorce, unemployment, or illness. Social safety nets, implemented through various welfare programs, play a crucial role in buffering individuals and families against these risks. However, there is limited knowledge about the extent to which welfare programs protect individuals and families from vulnerabilities across the lifecycle in East Asia. A comparative perspective provides valuable insights into the responsiveness of social safety nets by highlighting how one society performs relative to another. This study aims to examine how social safety nets respond to different lifecycle risks in Taiwan and three provinces in Southeast China (Shanghai, Fujian, and Zhejiang). We utilize harmonized longitudinal data from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) to conduct analyses for Taiwan (2006, 2011, 2014, 2016, 2018) and Southeast China (2006, 2011, 2013, 2017, 2019). Specifically, we assess changes in family welfare income in the face of lifecycle events such as childbirth, divorce, unemployment, and worsened health. Welfare income is measured both in absolute monetary terms and as a proportion of total income. We employ ordinary least squares regression models to evaluate these associations, controlling for time fixed effects, individual fixed effects, and various sociodemographic characteristics. The findings from this study can contribute to discussions on the efficacy of social safety nets in providing social protection in Taiwan and Southeast China.
聯絡人: 謝小姐